If you, like me, saw Matt Hancock pretending to cry then you probably wanted to claw your own eyes and ears out. But don't. Your eyes and ears are at least familiar with real human emotions, which is more than you can say for Matt Hancock—judging by his hammy performance. Serial killers are more believable.
Norm & I recorded the latest episode of the podcast before this happened so we didn't talk about it. But we did talk about the UK’s SpyCops program, in which the police infiltrated even the softest left-wing groups from the late ‘60s until recently, sometimes having babies with the people they were targeting—then up and disappearing. We also discussed lying to your kids about Santa Claus, how 2020 has changed our worldviews, and finally we disagreed about the role of hope in building socialism.
You can listen to the podcast on most platforms, including Anchor or Spotify or Apple Podcasts or you can follow this handy little link and hear it on Soundcloud.
Until next time.